Smart Home System With Battery Backup and Internet of Things
smart home, IoT, battery backup, ATS, chargingAbstract
This research enhances Smart Home Systems by integrating an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) for seamless power source switching between the grid and a backup battery, ensuring uninterrupted operation during power disruptions. An Automatic Battery Charging (ABC) system optimizes battery charging based on its condition, improving energy storage and efficiency. The system provides on-site electrical equipment control and sensor data access via a Human Machine Interface (HMI). Remote monitoring and control through the Blynk app offer convenience. Additionally, an energy consumption estimation feature allows users to estimate billing costs, with the Battery State of Charge (SoC) indicating the remaining battery capacity. Hardware testing showed the system's reliability with a 2-4 second ATS response and ±2-second ABC response. This research offers homeowners reliable power continuity and energy optimization. It contributes to IoT-based smart home systems, demonstrating ATS and ABC effectiveness, advancing both theory and practice for modern smart living.
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