Data Governance Model For Nation-Wide Non-Profit Organization
non-profit, data, governance, information systems, modelAbstract
According to Connolly's (2017) research, the context of nonprofit organizations exhibits variations when compared to commercial organizations or businesses, as supported by Zhang's (2010) study. Hence, it is imperative for both theoretical and empirical studies to contribute towards enhancing our comprehension of the strategy, implementation, and utilization of information systems in the specific context of nonprofit organizations. The investigation of information systems within the context of non-profit organizations offers a promising avenue for advancing the field of information systems research. This study focuses on the development of an information systems framework using the soft systems methodology, which has already been established. One opportunity for the advancement of information systems in non-profit organizations lies in the establishment of a comprehensive framework that facilitates adoption and is accompanied by robust data governance. This framework enables the analysis of data and the generation of valuable insights, thereby contributing to the development of information systems in the non-profit sector. The choice of data governance was informed by Zhang's (2010) research, which demonstrated that non-profit organizations face significant obstacles in the form of privacy and data security concerns. Furthermore, it is apparent that the preservation of data privacy plays a crucial role in the acceptance and utilization of information systems within non-profit entities. This research aims to contribute to the resolution of the issue by establishing a governance framework for information systems that effectively communicates to users the absence of data privacy risks associated with the systems employed by organizations. The objective of this study is to create a data governance model that will fill the research gap mentioned earlier and make a valuable contribution to the field of information systems research. The formation of the data governance model will involve the integration of soft systems methodology and the DAMA framework. The outcome of this study will be a data governance model specifically designed for a nationwide non-profit organization that utilizes microservices as its cutting-edge technology.
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