Fuzzy Genetic Particle Swarm Optimization Convolution Neural Network Based On Oral Cancer Identification System
Deep Learning, BeePCNN, FGPSOCNN, Oral CancerAbstract
Oral cancer is the eighth most common type of cancer in the world. Every year, 130,000 people in India die from mouth cancer. Getting a diagnosis from a clinical exam by skilled doctors and a biopsy takes time. When a problem is found early, it is always easier to treat. The primary goal of this work is to recognise disease-affected oral regions in a given oral image and classify the oral cancer disorder. This study employs unique Deep Learning algorithms to detect the location of disease-affected oral areas. This work employs the most effective feature extraction techniques, including appearance and patter-based features. Following feature extraction, the Bee Pulse Couple Neural Network (BeePCNN) algorithm is used to choose the best feature. Finally, Deep Learning is used to classify these attributes. An innovative FGPSOCNN reduces the computational complexity of CNN. On an additional real-time data set from Arthi Scan Hospital, a secondary evaluation is conducted. The experimental results indicate that the innovative FGPSOCNN performs better than existing methods.
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