DCT and SVD Sparsity-Based Compressive Learning on Lettuces Classification
Compressive Learning, Accuracy, Discrete Cosine Transform, Singular Value Decomposition, Compressive SensingAbstract
Compressive Sensing (CS) technique in image compression represents efficient signal which offering solutions in image classification where the resources are constrained especially on a large image processing, storage resource, and computing performance. Compressive learning (CL) is a framework that integrates signal acquisition via compressed sensing (CS) and machine/deep learning for inference tasks directly on a small number of measurements, On the other hand, in real-world high-resolution (HR) data, where the image dataset is very limited CL, has the drawback of reduced accuracy under conditions of aggressive compression ratio. Here, a reconstruction method is necessary to maintain high levels of accuracy. To address this, we proposed a framework Deep Learning (DL) and Compressive Sensing that processing a small dataset of 92 images maintaining high accuracy. The framework developed in this paper employs processing sensing matrix A in compressive sensing with two transformation methods: DCT CL with Multi Neural Networks and the SVD method with GoogleNet framework. To maintain the same computation efficiency as DCT Compressive learning, SVD with GoogleNet framework provides a solution for object recognition, achieving accuracy values ranging from 89.47% to 63.15% for compression ratios of 3.97 to 31.75. This performance shows a linear tendency concerning the PSNR level, an index of signal reconstruction quality, and demonstrates an efficient process in the S matrix.
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