Examining Factory Process Safety Management Systems And Studying Lean Improvement Methods


  • Bunphot Tepparit Department of Engineering Law and Inspection, Ramkhamhaeng University., Bangkok, Thailand,10240
  • Nanthawan Am-Eam Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Kulwarun Warunsin Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ramkhamhaeng University




Lean Inspection Process, Factory Certification Program, Factory Inspection, Factory Risk Assessment


Many factories have set up a safety management system (PSM), and there is an increasing rate of safety management systems. This is increasingly in line with the development of industrial plants. External and internal inspection of security management processes are the core of Process Safety Management (PSM) and are an essential opportunity to improve operational solutions. The problems of security inspection arise due to unclear and unplanned inspection issues, resulting in unsystematic monitoring of factual information and opinions and loss of opportunities to achieve goals throughout the organization. This research aims to improve the inspection process by using computer software technology in auditing.   After improving the process according to the Lean Process Management (ECRS) concept to reduce waste, the workflow was reduced by 40.74%, and 60% efficiency was increased. In addition, the assessment results from a sample of PSM auditors showed 93.4% satisfaction as the most appropriate. Therefore, this study demonstrated the potential and benefits of implementing the Process Safety Management System (PSM) audit program and applying Lean theory to improve auditing, which can be used as an essential reference for future research and program development.


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How to Cite

Tepparit, B., Am-Eam, N., & Warunsin, K. (2024). Examining Factory Process Safety Management Systems And Studying Lean Improvement Methods . Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 6(1), 249–261. https://doi.org/10.37385/jaets.v6i1.4989