Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Meningkatkan Omzet Penjualan Pada Warung Kopi Alang Surabaya Dengan Metode Analisis SWOT
Marketing Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Sales TurnoverAbstract
This research aims to analyze marketing strategies to increase sales at Warung Kopi Alang Surabaya. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature and was conducted at Warung Kopi Alang Surabaya, with research subjects including owners, employees and consumers. The data analysis method used is SWOT analysis using the EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) and IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) tables. The results of the analysis using IFAS and EFAS show that Warung Kopi Alang Surabaya has strengths with a total score of 3.28 and weaknesses with a total score of 0.28. Meanwhile, threats got a total score of 0.69, and opportunities got a total score of 2.07. By looking at the consequences of the SWOT line, Warung Kopi Alang Surabaya is in quadrant I with a value of (X;Y) (2.72; 1.38), indicating the need to use aggressive planning. A strategy that converts strengths into opportunities is one strategy that can be adopted. Keywords: Marketing Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Increased Sales.
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