Investment Management and Capital MarketAbstract
The Covid-19 virus outbreak has plagued almost all countries in the world, this has caused a lot of harm to the country, both in the fields of politics, social culture, religion to the economy. The economic sector in Indonesia has a very large impact, many small to large industries have suffered losses large enough to lay off most of their employees due to government policies, but there are still some industries that are still allowed to work, for example the Islamic capital market industry. In this study, researchers used a qualitative method where secondary data came from electronic media and also from books. With the results of research that the capital market industry has also experienced a tremendous impact, which is for sure the value of stock drops, there are policy changes during the pandemic such as changes in working hours, trading halts, changes in auto rejection but other than that there are still companies that do IPO or the emergence of a publicly traded company on the stock exchange during this pandemic.
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