The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Online Media Routines of TvOne AI Publications


  • David Norhusin Universitas Dr Soetomo
  • Harliantara Harliantara Universitas Dr Soetomo
  • Redi Panuju Universitas Dr Soetomo
  • Dhimam Abror Universitas Dr Soetomo
  • Nurannafi Farni Syam Maella Universitas Dr Soetomo



Roles, Artificial Intelligence, Content Production, TvOne Ai


This research investigates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in producing news content on TVOne, focusing on the presence of Karni Ilyas as an AI presenter in the "Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam" program. The research method uses a qualitative approach with Content Analysis. This research reveals that the use of AI in TV news is positively influenced by increased audience engagement and social media activity on the TVOne platform. Karni Ilyas received a warm welcome as an AI presenter, highlighting the public's enthusiasm for integrating technology in delivering news.  Additionally, AI automates news curation, sentiment analysis, and content personalization, increasing content production efficiency and enabling TvOne to respond to news quickly and accurately. The novelty of this research lies in the practice of AI in the context of news media, leading to a deeper understanding of how this technology impacts audience interactions and the content creation process. Apart from contributing to the media industry, these findings also highlight challenges related to the reliability of the information that must be overcome when applying AI in journalism.


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How to Cite

Norhusin, D., Harliantara, H., Panuju, R., Abror, D., & Maella, N. F. S. . (2024). The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Online Media Routines of TvOne AI Publications. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ), 5(2), 8702–8712.